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    Mushroom farmer lauded for spreading scientific knowledge


    After dedicating over 20 years of his life to teaching others how to cultivate bamboo mushrooms in rural China, Gao Yunwang was named one of the 2023 China Science Communication Top 10 figures at a ceremony in Beijing in March.

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    A piano prodigy's key insights


    Classical musician Niu Niu is maturing beyond the talent of his youth as his mindset and skill set progress in tandem.

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    Wang Wenjiao: the founding father of Chinese badminton


    Wang Wenjiao, the first head coach of China's national badminton team, had a remarkable 21-year coaching career, guiding the team to 56 individual world champions and 11 world team championships. His influence on China's badminton legacy is immeasurable.

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    More than a mere interest in insects


    Chen Rui, a 37-year-old researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Zoology, has unique outlook that enabled him to explore the world of bugs from a new perspective and share their superpowers with the rest of us.

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    The master of translation


    Yan Fu (1854-1921), or Yen Fuh as he called himself, both witnessed and contributed to the dawn of modernization in his home country, as well as the change in its people's minds from "China as the world" to "China in the world".