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Abundant harvest in Yongtai county

gofujian.com.cn | Updated: 2024-09-25

The abundant harvest paints a picture of prosperity in Yongtai county, in Fuzhou, capital of East China's Fujian province, which has enjoyed years of robust development. In 2023, the county's total GDP surged to 374.31 billion yuan ($53.17 billion). Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Yongtai has climbed from 64th to 47th in the provincial economic rankings. Its fiscal revenue has risen from 72nd to 48th, with its local revenue now rating at 49th province wide. This remarkable transformation, from a poverty alleviation focus to one of the top 10 counties in the province's county economic development, honors its hardworking people and is widely said to mark the dawn of a new era.

As such, these photos pay tribute to this journey to prosperity:

在盖洋乡盖洋村稻田与远处古厝交相呼应连片的稻田内一串串饱满的谷穗沉甸甸地压弯了稻秆广阔的田野上稻浪翻滚一派田园好风光.jpgYongtai's golden rice fields signify a bountiful harvest. [Photo provided to gofujian.com]

在大康葡萄种植园内一串串果粒饱满、色泽鲜亮的葡萄挂满枝头在阳光沐浴下格外诱人甘甜沁人的果香扑鼻而来。果农用汗水浇灌出的这份甜蜜成就了丰收里的笑颜.jpgFarmers showcase the harvest of grapes with smiles on their faces. [Photo provided to gofujian.com]

在嵩口镇道南村翠绿的甘蔗林在微风中轻轻摇曳散发着勃勃生机此时正值甘蔗生长的黄金时期空气中仿佛都弥漫着一股甘蔗的清香.jpgThe green sugarcane forest exudes vitality. [Photo provided to gofujian.com]

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